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Package Dimensions (L x W x H) With a power supply: 159 x 156 x 57.5 mm / 6.3 x 6.1 x 2.3 inches Without power supply: 159 x 156 x 23 mm / 6.3 x 6.1 x 0.9 inches The weight of the device with a USB cable is 103.5 g (3.65 oz) USB Cable Length 100 cm (39.37 inches) Dimensions of the main unit (L x W x H) 95 x 51 x 12 mm / 3.7 x 2 x 0.5 inches The ability to update the firmware No Minimum system requirements Microsoft Windows 10 Mac OS 10.13.5 and higher Housing material used Aluminum Guarantee Standard warranty conditions for a specific country/region. For more information, see the warranty information article. Certificates CE, FCC Support for Jabra Direct/Jabra Xpress No Features and functions of LEDs Out of stock
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